You know, it's such a loss to our present-day and times what was a part of life in the 70s: the kindness and trust people extended to strangers in times of need. I can think of several situations in which we all would stop to help others in our "small towns" or others felt safe to ask...nowadays the first thought that comes to mind is: this person can be out to con me or hurt me. I am still too trusting and I am often told how I am to trust no one.
I felt such a loss - reading this and being reminded how wonderful it is to live in a society in which for the most part we can "count on one another." Technology and the rise of crime and availability of news - just knowing what we know - has made us all scared of one another and hesitant to help. And I would argue that for the most part, if someone needed help these days - they probably wouldn't hurt another. Ugh.
I'm also so impressed David by what you are able to recall as you write this memoir. I love the ending: you stood up for yourself and went with your gut - and it was correct. Important lesson for us all.
Great finishing line - I'm hooked!
Have a great month of June ahead!