Yes, I should have worded it properly, more clearly.
I meant—the blacks are the majority…
Rather, I simplified just to let him be aware there was a country almost diametrically opposed to where Caucasian are the majority.
Yes, very familiar with those other ethnicities in Nigeria. But it’s largely black…those other are very much in the minority. I mean they’re like 1%?? Curious what the number is…certainly can’t be more than 5%??….
I personally think/Hope over time theres just more and more mixed race—to where just any pure ethnicity in any race is hardly seen.
As much as I too would hope none of us are DEFINED by skin tone, I have no problem loving, embracing and noticing skin tone. We are visual creatures—to notice it is one thing—to be defined another.
Sure, you’re right—I was colloquially nicknamed—I and others take it as a love for our skin tone. It’s just a matter of perspective.
If another took it as an insult—-I would never invalidate their feelings or experience. It’s their own—
That’s why it’s important we understand that talking about race is personal. I’ve read a lot about your experience—you’ve shared a lot about it.
I’m very sorry you have had the experiences you have had—it’s quite traumatic. Your perspective is important and unique. We learn from what you’ve shared.
Yet I hope that from what you’ve learned from humans that you are better for it—that you can help inform and simply be who you want those around you to be…we can learn from one another in how we treat each other.
To have the choice to live where we want is hard—sounds like you’ve been in many. I hope where you are brings you peace and joy just to—be.
There’s so much much important things to understand, enjoy, ponder and experience beyond a skin tone. So I’m that—I’m on the same page as you.
May our world heal—May it be a better place tomorrow—and May we all be a part of that solution….
Thanks for reading and sharing a comment! Happy weekend!!