Wonderful you!!! congratulations -- I must say, yes, you continuously have put this out there, and anyone who follows you cannot ever say, Jason didn't tell you want to do! I will say, I've thought long and hard about your process and I'm being deliberate to not do those three things now -- not because I don't belive in them, it's only because it's not a proper fit for me yet. BUT I'm extremely appreciative for the knowledge that it IS a strategy that could be done in the future....
Bro - can I ask you a question? (Okay - going to! LOL) --
Taking away the big article jump, let's say then that with what you "were doing" you went from 34 to the 300's --- I just think that's huge. Maybe it's just me?! But taking out the big article, can you share with me how were you able to go from 30's to 300's from March to May...can you recall if there was something special you did? Do you think it was just the volume of articles and followers that you had already amassed? Any thoughts are greatly appreciated!
And congrats again -- celebrating with you!!!!!!!!