Will not lie - have been concerned for you when you said you were going to make the leap (well, I wasn't sure because I think I read when you were first weighing it)...
Here's the good of what I see:
1. You're young - time is on your side
2. You don't have dependents - so at this point, you're the only one who has to suffer whatever consequences you put yourself under - you cannot do this when you have a spouse and/or children...you don't have that luxury
3. You already have a skill set as an engineer that you will not lose - it'll be there if you need it
4. Only you know why this dream matters so much to you and what you can make of it - so fight!
Just remember Fatunla -- dreams can be for the long term - especially when the learning curve is slow; sometimes you may need to do the grungy work while you work on the dream - which yes does mean it may slow it down, but - working slowly on a dream does not equate to NOT working on your dream.
Keep well! Here's cheering you on and wishing you all your dreams come true!