Ugh - I don't know how a few of you gathered together to write these articles the last couple of days -- they are completely breaking me to tears...
It's hard to describe why it is without getting all messy and mushy - but I hope it can suffice to say: thank you for this.
I think it gives me both acceptance and hope for someone dear to me. I cry - because I know that we humans can be so freaking stubborn, and the lessons come - and boy, do-- they come harshly.
Some of us - who always played it safe, who feared the deviation from the "norm" -- have to parent stubborn-minded young men. And it doesn't matter that it was 20, 30 or 50 years gives me hope, many will learn - the key is, do they have the blessing of living that long?
Life is beautiful and "mean" that way, huh? We have to live it to learn - but damn, wouldn't it have been nice to know beforehand -- sometimes? Or would it not? ...🧐
...very thought-and-feeling-provoking, Terry.
Masterful. Thank you.