Totally the same! ;-)
Oh - bravo Julie - fiction! That my dear --oh and poetry -- I stay away from with a 10 ft pole!'s daunting and scary π...
BUT -- I know nothing improves from staying away form it, so I'm so cheering you on and inspired by you doing so!
I'll share what may help as a reader -- and I enjoy all of you who give me anything with fiction --
Concise is good when you want to keep us following the train of thought or plot that you feel crucial to the story...
Take your picture as you see it, the writer - and give us that...and that exercise to describe color, sight, smell or feel is where I believe you're saying people like details -- but remember, we like what you decide to give -- just give what you "see" ---that's the necessary part. Then you don't feel obligated to enhance and add on all the fluff...
You'll be surprised what one sentence or two max creates in the brain -- and that's what I find is SO hard, I can give you the details -- but it takes ME too long to put it together. I need more vocabulary, I need creativity and patience LOL - π
But enjoy the process and we are here for it!!!!! You're way ahead of me and all who are not even trying...
Have a super day!!!!