This hit home in several ways. I have a draft sitting for weeks that I'll at some point finish - but I want to applaud you for the wisdom in knowing that nothing you could say was going to change her. In fact your instant reaction of leaving was perhaps the greatest gift you gave your friendship. You never insulted or hurt her, yet you stood for your life, and your values.
I hope/think that the visual of seeing you walk out will stay with her forever and be the seed that has her question - why did you?
I have accepted some people simply find the easier route to accept what is told to them because it's comforting. To face history, the facts, and the ugly truth of what leaders around the world do to manipulate their citizens for the purpose of power and greed takes courage. We are in such a global need for education and critical thought.
Thanks for sharing your powerful story. It is full of lessons for anyone willing to listen. Thank you, Nevena, for writing.