There's nothing meandering and unpolished about this! Ellen, Michelle and Annie said it so well - but let me say this:
I didn't start reading this until I had enough seconds to continue admiring THE INCREDIBLE BEAUTY you are, HOW HEALTHY, how STRONG, HOW YOUNG you look -- there's nothing there showing late 40's!
This is coming from a 47 year old -- and I know you didn't post these for our comments, I'm glad that you feel comfortable, ease and empowered to share your pictures and soul with us: and that's what makes the entire picture so grand!!!
How wonderful you've continued to make connections in those rooms -- glad to hear that people showing up for each other can be so healing: it was a great reminder to hear.
🍁Happy Thanksgiving!!! 🍂Have an incredibly empowering and grateful weekend...🍃I am grateful for you!!🍃🤗