Stephyn, Texas??!! (According to, white alone are almost 78%!! 77.9. Blacks are 13.2%, natives 1%, etc.
There is so much white male privilege in Texas and all you have to do is listen to their governor and who the population votes for to place Texas right into Leonard’s piece perfectly.
Guam and Puerto Rico, those are territories.
But let’s look at Puerto Rico:
White: 75.8%
And I’d love to know how Asian men are the most dominant race. I’m trying not to be flippant, but truly would ask you to consider writing about it and sharing how that is so. Curious.
I just googled the top 20 most powerful men on planet. Look through the top 10, snd count the white men: 7.
Seven —didn’t get to past 10 cause I’m tired of looking at white men privilege.
Stephyn, sorry, but it’s all over the planet.
We can do better than this. Listen to the video Leonard posted….says it all much better than I can.