Sorry to hear this Suze; a student I tutored through high school called in a panic to ask for help with a friend of hers who she felt was being wrongfully attacked by a prof. It can be extremely overwhelming…and one thing I like students to remember in college: professors too need to be accountable—and students do have the option to discuss these issues with department chairs and go further up in needed.
I’ve personally witnessed how professors are corrected especially when clearly being unfair—I reminded students often:
They are not powerless. Their voice matters and it will be heard.
Department chairs and deans often care more about the student perspective than what the professor says….believe it or not.
As for the mommy heart and weight of it all….I feel you and as you know—this shall pass Suzy. Your break is coming….meanwhile, much love and rest to you!
Glad you’re ordering out and definitely go get your hair done—just the shampoo is worth it as I often say!! 😂😁🤗🤗🤗
Big hug.