Sis, you can ask me anything—anytime!!😘😘😘—
Nathan Nathan 🥰—is my happy-go-lucky, adjust to anything, comply and follow —-
which is on one hand, such a lovely trait—
And yet—what I want to see evolve to:
Stronger self awareness—
He knows he wants to live on his own—but he doesn’t fight for it. He is partly “too comfortable” and partly “unaware”…
He is happy with the decision in that he really doesn’t see the advantage on online learning. I was really happy to see him share with the campus advisor that he learned during the pandemic that online learning is not how he learns best. That he would much rather be in the classroom:
That moment was spectacular for me to sit by and listen—because I need to see him communicate and fight for those things.
Nathan is so accommodating—that I don’t want him giving up on what he wants and prefers in order to “not rock the boat”—
I want to see him fight for—something —whatever he wants—just identify it and then go for it!
We each have that “something”—it’s what makes us tick and it looks different for each of us.
I can’t wait for him to find it, see it and then be on his merry way! I think I’ll bawl for days when I see it….
I’ll be honest, I think partly Nathan is like me: we don’t ask for nor need much—but I know deep down what I wanted to do and have in life….he’s not there—yet.
I gave you a lot more than you asked, but this is me writing for today. Lol—
The one thing he told me clearly though—he felt a lot of anxiety last year at the thought of heading to college on his own.
That’s where this all partly began—as I sensed it, but he shared his anxiety. That he was clear on.
Sooo. Yep.
My dear friend—thank you—always for your heart and engaging.
Hope you’re well —-biggest hug!
Thanks for having read.😘😘😘