Oh wow -- now that's an even bigger lesson 😱...I think that's a "don't assume we even know why people want things or what they would do with them" --
you know - as I told another commenter -- has this lady waited to see me in person, and just privately shared - why they are pained to see it leave the family....we would have still lovingly given it.
Like couldn't they just have let us seen it?
I asked my husband, "can I email her and ask her to send me a picture of it?" -- and he said - nat let it go.
But - it's the assumption people make without having a conversation right? Just talk, share fears, be real - be open...and they just might be surprised!
Thanks for adding that....wow - I didn't even realize that other dimension to it.
Ugh - you should write about this...what a lesson and story!!!!