Oh, that's fascinating! Thank YOU so much for taking a moment to share your number with me. I can see why 49 now seems high for you...🙃😉
I agree, unless one has been writing for years - it's nearly impossible for me to write quality articles/stories back to back, day after day. I can't sit comfortably at that pace. I would then hate writing on Medium.
I've been reading Sean for years - since the days I read hundreds of answers on Quora, where I believe he began his successful trajectory. And yes, he has a natural knack, and yet he has alluded to what so many who write successfully say: writers must write to improve / we must keep hitting publish in order to get better.
There's a fine line between seeking perfection and allowing what we wrote, even if it's just average - to exist and move on to the next piece. I easily was falling prey to my desire to seek perfection.
Thankfully I kept reading from those who have been here a long time, who made me realize that it was a debilitating strategy. However, I am with you - there's still a standard of quality I do not want to fall below.
I believe that's why you've been as successful as you are. You have an undeniable unique voice and style - and you've taken the time to truly develop and master it.
Would love to see what you continue to do and which pace you decide to publish in. Keep up the fantastic work! Look forward to learning!!!