Oh Tasmin, just want to give you a bear hug! First of all congrats on the upcoming marriage -- absolutely beautiful and exciting you're marrying the man of your dreams! He sounds amazing with all that he's doing...
I couldn't believe the list of things you wrote and had to stop and go back and really check that I was reading correctly. I hope it helps that you're a nurse and are finding ways to cope; many years ago I met with wonderful elderly ladies who had fibromyalgia - and I was shocked by what people live with. As they say, such autoimmune is such an injustice as it's not anything anyone can see -- yet you're all living with immense pain.
You have some special kids who are compassionate - was touching to hear they know their mama's needs. Hope Medium is good to you - and I hope your amazing talent in art and music will one day return! You are gifted and beautiful -- hope you'll smack that depression to its place -- okay I'm kidding as I "read" it's not like that -- but just wish you could! HOw about that? I wish you could punch and kick it away!!
Keep well -- enjoy the marriage prep time! It's special!