Oh Orrin—I have to tell you: I don’t identify at all with this but ABSOLUTELY loved this writing!!! I fell instantly in love with your genuineness—and I wont lie: I kept waiting for the punch line.
I kept waiting to hear how you drew us in with a line that no one admits to—but you just kept opening the truth to it and expanding it until it was fully out there!
I’m so tired of the fake life and especially how rampant it is in our faces in social media.
And I wonder: can any of that have anything to do with why you feel the way you do?? Or is it that viewing others’ success or happiness translates to you: what you think about yourself?? That you’ve fallen short?? That you’re not as happy?
You are wiser than I am—and you have thought this through clearly much more than my two minutes.
But I’m here to say: the world is a much better place with you in it. Your heart is kind and you mean well and the fact that you are so mindful about how you feel and how you want to be—tells me all I need to know that: you’re one of the good ones!!
Keep writing!! Cheers!!