Oh man, "what do I think?" - LOL-- I've been thinking about this for the last two weeks, and then more!
Thanks for sharing Coach Tony's response, I did go to read it. He was gracious to respond to my question as well.
I hear your point and I understand why you and others will feel the need to change what you do. I'm reflecting upon it still - and over the course of the next week or so, I hope to have a better idea.
I'm quite intentional and deliberate when I create a habit of action that is so rewarding. The question is: do I need to change in order to receive the external reward and if so, why and in what way?
Have I been motivated to receive earnings - absolutely. I've never hidden that and I still and will not see anything wrong with that.
I need to change expectations in that regard. That's an easy fix.
You bring up a valid suggestion - do I change my behavior? Not sure buddy!
But I will say this: I have always been on a journey to learn to write. I never sought to throw out crap at Medium. So, onward we proceed...I understand the path looks different for everyone!
It was a great discussion you brought out - and thanks for tagging Tony. I'm impressed by everyone's careful discourse seeking clarity and appreciating the value this place already brings.
Cheers my friend!