OH man one of my favorites -- oh, who am I kidding -- I LOVE everything you write!
This is gold and it tooks us as a couple years to learn to do this better; when we both agreed that we couldn't talk over each other, we agreed to let the other speak.
Do you know that "kind of listen" when all you care about is waiting for the pause in order to have your turn -- LOL --exactly, so it took more practice, more learning.
SO hard...
Sometimes, we both learned -- let's wait for the "heat/energy" of the topic to die down...and then bring it back up, in order to be better listeners.
The quote from Kline is SO good because I often felt I didn't have enough time to just say what I wanted to --
So often -- I resorted to write.
Writing allowed my mind to flow - and everytime we couldn't talk, I wrote to him, and I felt my husband learned to listen becuase he then he understood me.
Listening is a true art form -- and to do it well when you're emotionally invested is even harder.
I think that's why I love this aricle so much -- may it circulate the earth and back and around again!!!!!! Thanks for writing this Paul!!!!