Oh Elizabeth - firstly, ;-) for this:
"erstwhile fervent fan unfanned me forthwith" -- deserves a standing ovation! Let's not skip over that gem you sent me! I laughed!!!
But then, I joined the disturbing mood - by reading how absolutely ugly that reader was -- which as you said, the "talking down" is equally hurtful. It's this assumption that the reader knows more than the author; I never understand why they are never motivated to go write their own article sharing their supposed facts!
Oh man - and the tirades - those are just from sick readers. They need someone to hear them out -- and to be honest: what I got to: was exactly that: a tirade.
They don't realize how at that point - they lose us. It's no longer about educating -- but their anger is palpable, and ugh - it truly is distressing.
I think I won't finish reading such tirades in the future (easier said than done 🙃🤪).
I'm sorry you experienced that - thanks for sharing with me.