No you’re not doomed…some chapters are full of no’s:
Noreen, while I’m teaching part time now—it’s been months and endless applications seeking a full-time job and I’ve had moments where as I apply I say: why even bother.
And then when you least expect it, some opportunity comes.
I’ll say to keep an open mind and branch out beyond what you think you can do—find ways to spruce up and reword how you present yourself in your resume—
And while I don’t know how it works in Dubai—
I’ll share: work your network (that’s ultimately what works in USA)….its not easy to market yourself and put yourself out there with those you know. But most find their way to positions by the people they know.
Since you’ve recently moved I know this is a challenge —among others—when you’re an immigrant.
But if you find your community or those who’ve you’ve come to know—have those conversations and look for opportunities of what you can do that perhaps you’re not considering.
Don’t be discouraged too long—I know how you feel, but don’t give up.
Good things are to come!!
Btw—GORGEOUS profile pic!!