No apologies.
Deb yesterday I read the first 3-4 minutes and I knew:
This requires full 100% attention.
I had too much going on and interruptions.
I came back and true to form: you had me laughing. Nancy was a ball of fire: life, joy, love….
And you took me there—I grived her pain and the loss of her spunk. It’s almost as though she was too big for those whom she fell in love with and even her Dad. It pains and angers me they had to beat her down—physically and emotionally. What a courageous woman to have risen through it all—I don’t know I could have.
Your piece made her shine—yes it’s devastatingly sad and painful—but I hope as the tears across the world are shed as we read this….
May her memory be honored and remembered for the gorgeous courageous woman she is!
My deepest condolences Deb.
This couldn’t have been easy to write. I so admire you….as your writing.
Thanks for sharing.
Now let me get some tissues….💕