Loved reading this and getting to know you! Thanks for the tag—here are mine:
1. Morning; but recently found that I actually enjoyed writing at night, it was odd but I think the most feels most “clear” in the head
2. Cook; but when I want the break, I think order in Chinese—ahh I miss good Chinese take out!!
3. Streaming; out of the US and yep, getting US TV not easy to do
4. Love musicals —so many!!
5. Romance! ;-)
6. Hmm that’s a hard question—I’m not much of a fearful person at all. Perhaps death of ny spouse? But truth is: nothing is guaranteed in life and I just don’t walk around fearing something; if it’s going to happen, we learn and live through it…
Oh I know! I fear the loss of democracy in the US—there! I thought of one! Lol
7. Hmmm —hard to say: maybe the time I thought my son was lost and I couldn’t find him! Horrible—but short lived bc I found him….most incredible fright/happy moment I’ve ever experienced
8. Hmmm lol—man, I don’t know…maybe 2-4? From the 70s—80s and 90s—oldies! If you play them it’ll come to me and I bet I could sing more than 5! (Including the famous one from Friends!)
9. Parent yes
10. Artistic other than writing—lol—ummm I love to dance but no pro—does that count??
Thanks Carrie!!! Keep well!!