Love ya too much to call you a hypocrite and those I feel I can spot—even through a screen and over the miles 😉😜
I rather applaud you for being willing to change your mind and learn—I’ll take that everyday over someone who felt they needed to “stay true” to what they said in order to be “real”….simply saying, I know better so I do better works for me!
I would rather a world that changed its mind—willing to think—willing to ask itself the question: is this still working for me and based now on what I now—should I still have this belief—
Than any other!!
Congrats on the progress with your smoking…have thought about you and how that’s been going. Proud of you…I think I’ve said but will say again:
Many years ago watching a friend helped me understand: kicking nicotine has got to be one of the hardest to do…
Big hug!! Keep trucking and hey—
I would have called AAA immediately—so you can call me a wuss! 😜