LOL....Here's the crux of it all my amazing friend:
I was raised -- by the most refined and religious mom and to this day she is very conservative....
But mom and all my friends know --
I've learned to embrace life to the fullest....the journey from super Christian Natalie to down-to-earth, doesn't want to have anything, anywhere near associated to organized religion (and definitely US Christianity....well now that I'm in Mexico, even Catholics---- oh, I'm hollering inside at all the Roman Catholic rituals and behaviors that the women succumb to) ---is a long conversation, good one though!
So I have no problem admitting I'm honest and have no shyness at all about conversations surrounding sex or what normal Christian circles completely avoid; I'm straightforward about it too, and really, love and live by the principle, "live and let live."
But funny enough I'm a rule follower -- Mom and Dad got SUPER lucky with me. 🤪
As I learned to understand why do I belive what I do, and what impact does that have on my life and how i treat others, I found a freedom and joy that allows me to be perfectly comfortable in my skin.
And like you, (sorry I am assuming) --, we know when, where and who can take "real talk."
And if you are Presbyterian -- I would happily share a pew with you ----as long as people practice their beliefs without needing to enforce on anyone else -- I support you/all -- 100%.
It' just a very long story why I am the way I am...but at the core -- I'm exactly as I've always been. And truth is: I've never ever had a tolerance for hypocrisy.
As for the writing voice (which comes across as this "refined persona" I suppose---- I'm a baby, Cat 😆 I don't want to waste anyone's time, yet want to be clear and I know I have very little confidence. I would imagine and hope that over time I can learn and understand how to adapt my voice to the topic and know who I am as a writer -- and not be afraid. 🫣 Will get there I hope!
Big hug Miss Catherine -- hope you're enjoying the tail end of the summer up there!!