It’s indeed complicated.
But I sense we each come up with our own “formula” that helps us classify who is really standing beside us—no matter what—
And who is there for alternate reasons
But it’s the true con artists or simply hypocrites who leave us debating whether our own formulas often do work.
Those few exceptions need to be kept exceptions—special cases—that often linger in our memories far too long. Hopefully we can “let them go” and cut them off…for personal reasons, some of us can’t and revisit.
Revisiting them too long leads to confusion, frustration and can begin to seep into healthy relationships that have no similarity to those odd cases.
I believe time, age and experience do bring clarity…to truly differentiate between friend/foe/user/confused human being.
And yes those who are confused—don’t know themselves if they’re for us —or against us.
Recently I let one of “these people” go.
I told myself: I’m not waiting for her to figure it out. Time and life are too precious..,I will not be collateral damage while she “learns” how to value friends.
Okay I’ve written too much.
Pardon my blabbering….
Have a wonderful weekend!!!💜💜💜