Is it safe to say, you felt so disconnected from your parents you were in deep connection for anyone that would be a relative that looked like you, took an interest in you, and gave you a sense of belonging?
I've learned from what i've read and seen -- there are complexities in adopting kids that many do not see. I've witnessed in my own husband's life how just having step siblings and the differences in the way they were treated, left a lot of resentment and division.
This is a story where you are expressing the anger from that child. And it's harsh, but I take it from the way you didn't hold back at all from the anger you felt and wrote -- that you held it all in then -- and now you want it out.
I'll share what my niece from my husband side of the family told me two Christamses ago. She was about 12 years old I believe. Her mother died and just about 18 months later her father married.
She was a very unhappy child and her silence and withdrawal concerned me. i pulled her aside and we visited awhile. She then told me: I don't want my dad to have another baby. I listened further --and I can tell --
She didn't want to be replaced. She wanted to be Daddy's girl and wanted it to stay that way.
All children have struggles with new siblings and undoubtedly, you having had family members and now an adoptive sister -- I see that you were just trying to make sense of "crazy quilt" and wanted it to be like what you saw in all those around you.
I hope you'll continue to write your stories - and don't stop submitting to publications. Take your time to self-publish if needed, or find others and know you have a loyal readership that wherever you go - we will read.
Would love to see the pics Barb -- but only the one of you and your sister are showing up!
Much love,