Im speechless. We’ve seen the movies, read stories—but this one—
Was so transparently raw and painful—I felt the fear…
Julia I’ve read the prior comments and your response—please:
No more embarrassment ever. This has nothing to do with you—every develish act here was his entirely to hold and blame and may writing this be a light to your courage, awesomeness, badassery, strength, fortitude, intelligence, and vulnerability—to choose a sister when you needed it most.
It is scary to know that many a women are feeling and experiencing this story and worse right now as I write this comment and that sends shivers down my spine.
Your story reminds me—see people. Whether homeless or not, talkative or quiet, successful or not—we all carry pain and most are completely hidden in plain sight.
Thanks for writing this —
Btw you may not talk much—but you’re one of the most talented writers on this platform.
Much love for you for all you’ve overcome!