I hear you - and I think your follower feed will get better as you continue to show the algorithm what you spend time with.
Here are my other thoughts:
Let's say I want to keep writing poetry (I don't btw LOL), and I mix it between relationships and politics.
If I saw that the most faithful readers followers are people who follow politics (which is what I meant by how crazy I can go with the data of our followers) --- wouldn't that be helpful as a writer to know: that is where their interest lie and they like reading that from me.
Yes, we should write from the heart; but if writers want to be professional, and earn a living or a decent amount in Medium - you have to pay attention to what your followers are interested in reading and who comes back for more.
Otherwise, it's random...and you can't learn from randomness (says my mathematical mind) ;-)...anyhow, I appreciate your read as always Logan - and feedback.
You are appreciated - you support me no matter what I write! Everyone needs a Logan in their corner! 😘😘