I have an only sister...also extremely close and we always have been. We lucked out -- we roomed together in college for two years, we were great. Years later -- hmmm, you're making me wonder. I can see your point about how things do change the older we get -- and I will say, if we can't live in the same place -- I'd love one of those small side by side living places; or make a home split in two and some common area in the middle. LOL...
Recently, I can't remember where I saw it? Maybe FB? A family with grown children who can't afford to be on their own constructed a house where you can walk into different sections and they each have their own little mini living space -- granted, can you imagine the money to design and set that up? Each had their small kitchen, living and room and bathroom. I belive it had a way where they can receive guests from the outside?
Aw well - I guess people make things possible when money enables such options! ;-)
Glad to hear though -- that the two of you still protected your relationship...very sweet