Hiya!! (Btw just clapped Pockett’s comment, bc I love what she shared, I’ve always called comments I love, it pushes them up on the “relevancy” factor and hopefully gets more eyeballs, but you’re the second person in two weeks I’ve read that doesn’t seem happy with it….I promise, I never thought anyone would be bothered by it, in fact I thought the author had no way of seeing 😀😉✌🏽)
The clap and run—it’s starting up on my profile and starting to be bothered by it, but trying to let go and realize—they didn’t really care in the first place.
It earns us nothing—IMO
I’m tracking performance and how medium pays —I’m not seeing a dip in this month vs last—but one thing is consistent this month with what’s always happened for me:
The minute I take a day or two or three 😂and stop reading…medium frowns on breaks. Anyhow—
Have an awesome day Yana!! Keep up the fun and great work!