Hi Rodrigo—great question and one I’ve wanted to understand too.
I’m with Ellen, I “feel” external reads help. I’ve had 4 total and lost 2…all strangers, I don’t know who they are.
Medium is making it clearer who is the one who signs up, and I wanted to email one who left to get some feedback…but decided against it.
If it helps any:
I am consistent: I’ve put that referral link at the bottom of every single article and NOTHING else.
It’s unobtrusive and not desperate. I’ve not made a graphic. It’s the exact one medium provides—which is what I believe you do.
IMHO—all the messages that SO many authors leave at the top or bottom of their articles is distracting and makes readers skip over from seeing the important link one provides.
I truly believe less is more—often in life—and very much in the case of “call to actions.”
Al final—quizás es pura suerte…no tengo idea porque me ha resultado pero a la vez fue muy decepcionante ver que después de dos meses—dos de ellos cambiaron de opinión.
Last month I got two and so let’s see how long they last. That’s the kicker—will they stay? And if not—why not??
I think the latter would be great feedback to us all.
It’ll come—I have zero doubts that you’ll get some!!
Hope you’re keeping well.💗💗🤗🤗🤗