Hi Peter! Leftist here and absolutely loved your article! For the first time, I ventured off the For You feed, checked the tabs and said let’s go to politics. Your article was at the top, and I enjoyed the read. You make some very thought-provoking valid points. I think the US as a world power stays United with these vastly different regions for the economic power it wields on the world stage. But at what cost?
Your read took me to: what if most power houses broke up into smaller nations around the world? Sadly, I think a few would always band up for the power it would represent to try to take over neighboring smaller nations. Still though, I did follow the fantasy. I did get some “comfort” in saying, if I lived in a part of the “current US” and went to another where the laws were dramatically different, there would be far less fighting of each state trying to convert the other. However, immediately I wonder: would the public services that make so many aspects of living in the US remain good? At this point, we’ve all been complaining about the failed health care and education. I think of a few states that would become ghost towns without the assistance of our current federal government.
Anyhow, forgive the brainstorm….all to say: thanks for the “exercise” of imagining it. It truly makes you wonder what are we trying to conserve, what’s worth fighting for, how is it actually sustainable and to what end. This would make an excellent lesson for a US history class! I’m a new follower….keep writing! Cheers!