HI Paul, a few thoughts from some who decided to give this Medium thing a go as a writer three months ago (so take the parts that are helpful and ignore the rest):
1. You are easily one of the best writers of all the people I follow, and one of the accounts that shoudn't have any less than 2-3K followers - which will happen over time -- but let me share how I think you make that quicker.
(and please know this, I don't say you're one of the best to impress you, I'm as transparent as they come and trust me, I've been reading for years and years and easily in the last 7 years an enormous amount online)
Medium is a writers' social platform website. Period. It does pay people to write when people read however do NOT think you have to self-promote to ask people to come read your stuff and sell to them now.
As a numbers person, I've started a pretty involved spreadsheet from the get-go. I have a few theories behind how somethings gain traction and not, but obviously, I know my small sample and just my experience is quite limited to create generalizations. But here are some thoughts for you:
The more you read and comment on others, the more others will come to read and comment on yours.
It's as simple as that. However, be choosy -- and notice who and what they comment on -- look at the people who are commenting on the people you follow, and read their stuff, clap and comment --- and most follow. (I have another theory on this, but this comment is already way too long LOL).
That bottom line at the bottom asking for subscriptions will help later on when there are so many external views, I hear that when they sign up those lifetime renewals are quite nice to have.
But if you are seeking readers -- none of the self-promotion helps.
I don't know how much time you have nor willingness to spend in Medium reading and engaging. I think the amount we read in the beginning is much more than we write, then once you have a strong enough tribe and loyal readership, you can begin to loosen up on how much reading and engaging one needs to do...that's something I'm observing and analyzing when I watch the "big writers" with over 10K followers...
So a lot of this has to do with -- how much time and energy are you willing to invest in here?
But my friend -- you don't have to sell yourself now -- your writing sells YOU EASILY.
You need eyeballs -- and to get eyeballs -- you have to appear A LOT in the comment section around the Medium world...
Okay! Hope I'm mostly right...LOL -- but I promise in one year, I will share what I've learned from my small study that I hope gives me tons of information in one year.
Whatever happens -- I just hope you keep writing! I love it so much and I learn so much from you!!!!
Have a super weekend!!