Hey Mitch! Yes I’m back, lol—was reading late, and wanted to focus but it got so late.
Anyhoo—love this! So let me ask you:
One can be doing several maps right?? So this storytelling could be its own “whole brain”…and couldn’t I say, create one for organizing say family documents? So can I create a tree and in each spot, saved scanned files for holding, and when I need something, type search word?
I mean I have folders, but this could be a visual with a more intuitive feel for finding things??
I know this has nothing to do with writing, but curious if it’s malleable.
I like it too to help me organize my thoughts when I write a biography of each of my parents…a long term “dream” of mine…maybe a memoir of mine one day 😁😁😁😉
Thanks for sharing! And kuddos to all your research—I CANNOT wait to read your book!! It will be so exciting when you bring this all together!!
Much love—happy Wed!!🌈