Hello lovely Victoria—I had to step away after my claps—rice was on the stove! And belly begged to be fed! ;-)
But I’m back—
Thanks for the loving mention and
(2)—to share likewise appreciation for headline analyzers.
I’m still using sharethrough—it’s become a sounding board. It’s a listener that gives me some feedback and it has forced me to think outside the box and while it’s not 100% fail proof…it has served me well in the training of how I’m forced to come up with alternative titles. And the truth is: it’s time consuming.
I think it’s well worth it…
One time I was so proud of my headline and the editor suggest I work on it some more—so even with a high score, some editors may not like a headline and —
I guess each writer then chooses what to do.
I still stand by:
Too many gifted writers and well written articles don’t see greater audiences because their title is so brief/short and un-inviting….
But—to each their own!
Enjoyed your article —was good to see these examples you shared with us!
Much love to you….have a wonderful week ahead!!💚💚💚💚