Great article - truly important message, to learn to say, "I do not know" - is critical. Enjoyed the read...
thanks for sharing your perspective!
I will only add, as an anecdotal comment:
Those who I know and have met over the years, who have the most education--- are exactly the ones who are MORE likely to say, "I don't know." I've taught in many institutions, married to someone with a terminal degree - and a very common thread among those who have learned that much knowledge: they are so much more quick and aware that they do not know all the answers - and admit and share ignorance to what they do not comprehend.
On the contrary: I've found those who have very little to no education: are the ones who are most certain of what they know and are often less willing to read and seek alternate answers and perspectives.
Just sharing - for food for thought and observation!
Have a wonderful week and holiday, Misbah!