Graceee, over half the time I forget your my eldest son’s age—and it truly doesn’t phase me. You’ve let us in and you’ve always been exactly who you are.
Let me encourage you:
1. I wish I started as early as you—think how much you’re going to learn about writing since you’ve already been doing it as much as you are and reading all you do!
2. I wish I captured my thoughts when I was that young—you will have a BLAST reading them in the future…I think I would
3. You are capturing details I wish I had to write my memoir. It’s one of the reasons I want to journal now
Lastly—exactly your thought was exactly my thought at : 48 last year when I read stories of those over 60—did I even have anything worth saying?—all you say:
Regardless of age and experience, many of us reflect on the why and who behind writing. I think those who don’t: did it long enough and get yo the point of getting out of our heads and just writing.
I get a feeling: time cures that!
Keep writing!! Keep being you!!