Gary, thanks for sharing. If I may - I just want to say, you are a delightful young man. Please know, that while I don't know what it's like to be autistic or have neurotypical people not understand you, I truly feel --given the opportunity to get to know, lovely women would absolutely be interested in you romantically...I wish I had more power than words to make you believe me!
I have to thank you for your openness. The more I understand about autism, the more I feel my son must be on the spectrum...there are just some slight similarities.
I do have a question for you which may be better for an article or if easier you can email me. You shared you are good with numbers, like routine and structure, task-oriented...this describes my son to a T.
What kind of jobs did you consider doing? We are considering college for him but it's complicated and I'm trying to understand what kind of careers would fit someone with those strengths. He does have some creativity and the problem is that at the young age of 17, I feel he still has a long way to go in understanding himself, but I see strides he's making.
What was it like when you were that age? What helped you or what could have helped you now that you know yourself? I know these are a million questions and you may not be open to sharing, so please only divulge what's comfortable.
Thank you! Hope you're having a great week!