Funny post Mike—
But on a serious note, I see the point you make—
What that woman was doing is delusional and presumptuous.
Sadly they only hurt themselves and the serious cases where women truly are mistreated—and I think it’s important all of women should remind men: we are all different such as all men are.
I mean—sometimes I think about it:
Remember my story how my now husband just moved in and kissed me as I left the car?—nowadays with all my sons have grown up hearing, they would NEVER do that. They could be sued for harassment!
There’s a healthy middle ground that I hope we will constantly seek as both men and women seek to simply learn to listen and respect each other. I suppose it sounds simple—but where we are and clearly this video era and everyone-seeking-to-be-the-next-influencer has everyone videoing all kinds of crap simply for attention!
I lost five minutes yesterday that I’ll never get back when a mother videoed her daughter getting a Tesla for her 16 bday gift and the child went off bc she wanted a pink Mercedes.
The acting and the seeking of attention for absolute nonsense is killing brain cells!
Anyhow—I enjoyed this!! Thanks for the laugh!!