Enjoyed this…even these comments: all so engaging!
Whew! Great questions you pose…great suggestions here.
So my .02—the journey of learning your memoir style and how much to disclose will be uniquely yours. I have stories that I would love to write: but I don’t know how to protect the characters that I know would not be want to be revealed. I hope it becomes clearer—but we all have to weigh our relationships and then our own relationship with our writing and it’s purpose.
I can so easily tell who the writers are who have reached completely freedom and peace in writing memoirs and protects others so masterfully, bc my attention is focused on the writer. Deb is one—reading her stories inspires and teaches me.
But I know I need time…we can’t rush that growth process. I too want to hit publish and feel utterly happy with it and not care who reads it. I want to get there…
Let us know how you find your happy medium—you have such amazing talent Heather—the more you write I have no doubt you’ll find the “sweet spot” of what to do with your characters.
Thanks for sharing with us 💕