Elizabeth, that teacher sounds incredibly horrendous - traumatic. The truth is those stories the previous generation share are often more common with this one you share than the ones we hear of today - the caring, kind, and understanding teacher.
While I understand that the fear of guns is justifiably out of this world difficult --
students today for the most part grow up in warm, encouraging, nurturing environments that many didn't in past generations.
I can't recall one teacher that my parents had that they can say was: nurturing, and positive...they were all excessively strict, overbearing, and judgmental.
I'm happy the field of education has evolved. We still have teachers who do not need to be in the classroom, and I'm glad they are the exception to this day - IMHO.
Sadly - there is an exodus of master teachers and those who can handle the excessive load placed on them ...
... the question is: who will step up? And will it be the ones who actually want to be there?
Great article - thanks for sharing!