DM -- thanks for reading and sharing this intriguing question!
Mexico City and Monterrey are so very drastically different, and yet I must say...I don't see Mexico City moving away from being has deep cultural roots.
Here's what I would say to that, as a born and raised Venezuelan to an expat couple who migrated to Venezeula in 70's...even back then, we used to say as Venezuelans, "oh my gosh these Americans are trying to change Venezuela -- why don't they just go back to the US?"
It's a "interface thing" that happens with locals and immigrants -- everywhere.
Truth is - we all change. Mexico City is so massive, they can't possibly expect to stagnate and not change. However, it's love and value for its culture is incredibly deep. I don't think that would change by its foreigners. Truth is -- we should always look for ways to improve.
But Mexicans have a huge pride and love for their history.
Monterrey - even seeks OTHER mexicans -- as foreigners. LIken it to Texans in New York -- or California and say those from other parts of Mexico are changing Monterrey and Monterrey is changing them.
Both of these cities are huge metropolitan cities...I sense people are frustrated by the growth, the diversity and the consequences of such.
Almost - exactly what Americans see and feel when they see their cities -- "invaded by others"....
Thanks for asking!! What I'm saying is not necessarily facts at's entirely speculation and opinion!
Great great question-- nice to meet you!!