Betrayal is such a powerful emotion -- and I think the more we completely trust who betrays us, the deeper the pain. I want to lash out in this story against Dorothy; it's hard to fathom a 29-year-old acting and behaving this way with children?! And yet -- how it speaks volumes for her upbringing or lack there of? I'm not justifying her behavior, because she was at fault along with John's betrayal, but I am sure the more you look at the past you can see all the signals of how those boys were the last ones to put trust in.
You needed someone to trust - you had no one, and they were there for you when no one else was. They also needed that. The hurt leading the hurt, the children leading children...I am so happy that they did get the help you needed. Sounds like this was a turning point in your life.
I felt betrayed when a childhood best friend moved to the "new school" met her new friends and left me in the dust as I was still back in the "rural - small town school."
Eventually, I arrived at the same school -- and she wasn't the friend she could have been. I broke ties with her - but it was hurtful. It's hard seeing how people do not value the relationship the same way we do.
Powerful story Barbara -- thanks for sharing it with us. Hope you'll tell us what next. How do you get help?