Assumptions hurt us all—on both sides. And you’re right—we cannot make the assumptions that if you’re a Christian you’re a trump supporter.
That being said—the Christian (as an organization) has pledged their support and they are the ones Trump thanks for having brought forth his agenda and past election.
It’s not you and others who practice the Christian faith—and yes we are to recognize we are individuals.
But within the Christian organized community—the voices of those in churches should denounce hateful rhetoric—otherwise you’ll keep running into this problem.
It’s the same reason why those who practice Islam are upset that they were equated with Osama bin Laden and terrorism.
Until organized religion stays out of politics—it remains messy.
I’m with you—to each their own—let’s judge each as individuals.
I’m guilty—I’ve placed people in boxes and it’s wrong.
But the pain I feel for what we’ve lost in the US is deep and I’m extremely upset with the religious right. Your article reminds me to put an end to judgement …may our righteous anger propel us to fight for justice, equality for all.