As we get older we begin to settle into some defined guidelines of the kinds of friends, we call close friends. I’m exactly as you. I have friends who are not that close that I will check up on from time to time, and years ago once I noticed it was one way, I adjusted to letting them go. I’ve found Michele there are few to none who take the time to invest emotionally as we do, and I used to be like you: I assumed, if they felt how nice it was to be remembered surely they’ll do so in kind. Hardly. Huge nope.
I guess your hubby is right in the sense that you no longer expect them to be the category of friend you placed them in but I don’t know that one should not expect, like, hope and enjoy the kind of friend who knows us that intimately.
Hope the writing and comments helped….I read some awesome advice given to you! You’re a sweet soul! How are you doing these days??….I promise it gets a bit easier….💗👊🏽keep well!
PS I wouldn’t tell your friends….I feel they won’t get it, and it’ll confuse the situation further. Just my .02